
Standards FIFe

Standards FIFe 2002 du Siamois, Oriental, Balinais, Mandarin
(et récemment Seychellois poil court et poil long)


Février 2004

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La FIFe reconnaît 4 races orientales (elle qualifie les Mandarins de Javanais) et utilise un unique standard pour les quatre races. Elle a choisi de présenter ses standards sous forme de tableau.

Code Race Couleurs reconnues Couleur des yeux Mariages autorisés
SIA Siamese
= Siamois
* Colourpoint
** Uni, tabby, tortie
*** Noir, chocolat, bleu, lilas, red, crème

***Blanc (Foreign white)

Bleus Siamois
ORI Oriental * Traditionnel
** Uni, tabby, tortie, argenté, bicolore
*** Noir, chocolat, cinnamon, bleu, lilas, fawn, red, crème

*** Blanc

Verts Siamois
BAL Balinese
= Balinais
* Colourpoint
** Uni, tabby, tortie
*** Noir, chocolat, bleu, lilas, red, crème

*** Blanc

Bleus Siamois
JAV Javanese
=Mandarin ou Javanais
* Traditionnel
** Uni, tabby, tortie, argenté, bicolore
*** Noir, chocolat, cinnamon, bleu, lilas, fawn, red, crème

*** Blanc

Verts Siamois


  • Les mariages entre les 4 variétés sont autorisés mais ....
  • Certaines combinaisons de couleurs génétiquement possibles dans le cadre des catégories, divisions et couleurs autorisées ne sont pas reconnues.
    • Ainsi, sauf erreur dans la lecture des standards ou modification de dernière minute :
      • Le cinnamon et le fawn sont autorisés chez l'Oriental et le Mandarin mais non reconnus chez le Siamois et le Balinais.
      • L'argenté (smoke et silver tabby) est autorisé chez l'Oriental et le Mandarin mais non reconnu chez le Siamois et le Balinais.
      • Le bicolore vient d'être autorisé chez l'Oriental mais non reconnu chez le Siamois et le Balinais.
      • Le blanc aux yeux vairons ne serait pas reconnu.
    • Or, si l'apparition de certaines couleurs peut être évitée (gènes dominants), d'autres risquent d'apparaître (gènes récessifs) ou sont inévitables et incontrôlables (yeux vaironss lorsque les yeux verts sont autorisés).
  • Pour être classés parmi les Siamois et Balinais, les blancs doivent avoir les yeux bleus, les blancs aux yeux verts sont classés avec les Orientaux et Mandarins.
  • Le shaded, le caramel et l'abricot ne sont pas reconnus.



Scale of point

Siamese, Balinese Oriental, Javanese
General shape, nose and profile, jaws and teeth, forehead


Placement and shape of the ears.
Size, shape and placement of the eyes
Eye colour


Shape, size, bone structure


Height of the legs and shape of the paws
Length and shape of the tail.
Colour, markings and pattern, patching
Body colour 10 20
Points 10
Quality and texture 10 10



General   Balinese, Javanese, Oriental and Siamese have the same standard.
Appearance The ideal cat is a svelte, elegant, with long tapering lines, supple and well muscled.
Size Medium
Head Shape Medium size, in proportion to the body, well balanced;

Wedge shaped with straight lines.

The wedge starts at the nose and gradually increases in width in straight lines on each side to the ears. There should be no whisker break in these two lines.

The skull viewed in profile is slightly convex.

Nose Long and straight continuing the line from the forehead without any break.
Muzzle Narrow.
Chin/Jaw Of medium size.

The tip of the chin forms a vertical line with the tip of the nose.

Ears Shape Large and pointed, wide at the base.
Placement To continue the lines of the wedge, the ear tips should not bend over
Eyes Shape Medium in size, neither protruding nor recessed.
Almond in shape and set slightly slanted towards the nose to be in harmony with the lines of the wedge.
Colour Siamese, Balinese Pure and limpid, bright intense blue.
Oriental, Javanese Vivid, luminous green
Neck Long and slender
Body Structure Long and svelte, well muscled but still dainty and elegant.
The shoulder are not wider than the hips.
Legs   Long and fine, in proportion to the body.
Paws Small and oval
Tail Very long; thin, also at the base; tapers to a fine point.
Coat Structure Siamese, Oriental Very short, fine, glossy, silky and lying close to the body, almost no undercoat.
Balinese, Javanese Fine and silky; of medium length on the body, slightly longer at the frill and shoulders and on the tail, which forms a plume. No woolly undercoat.
Colour Siamese, Balinese Points : mask in the face, points on ears, legs and tail. The colour on all the points should be as even as possible. The mask must not extend over the entire head but is connected to the ears by tracings of colour.
Body colour: even, slight shading on the flanks permissible but there must be a clear contrast between the points and the body colour.
For colour varieties refer the table below.
Oriental, Javanese Even in colour, without tabby markings or shading in non agouti varieties. Whiskers and eyebrows in harmony with the body colour.
For colour varieties refer the table below.
Remarks Siamese, Balinese Slight shading on the body harmonizing with the point’s colour permissible.
A deeper body colour is allowed in older cats.
Faults Coat Siamese, Balinese Belly spots and spots on the flanks.
White / lighter coloured hairs or ticked hairs (brindling) in the points
Bars and stripes in the points, except for tabby points.
Oriental, Javanese Tabby bars in non-agouti varieties.
Faults precluding
the certificate
Coat Siamese, Balinese Insufficient contrast between points and body colour
Eyes Oriental, Javanese Eye colour wich is more yellow than green.
Disqualification Eyes Siamese, Balinese Any other colour than blue.